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Wounded Warriors I
Perry Wadsworth 
Womack Army Medical Center

Consumer Protection Issues
David Elliot 
NC Attorney General’s Office

Wounded Warriors II
LTC Martha Foss
Office of the Judge Advocate General

Landlord/Tenant Law
Lonnie Player
The Law Firm of Hutchens & Senter

Substance Abuse 
Chris B. Godwin
Godwin & Olivera, P.C.

Chief Judge Beth Keever 
Cumberland County District Court

Family Law 101
Mark E. Sullivan 
Law Offices of Mark E. Sullivan, P.A.

SCRA and Family Law
Mark E. Sullivan 
Law Offices of Mark E. Sullivan, P.A.

Mark E. Sullivan 
Law Offices of Mark E. Sullivan, P.A.

Civil Practice in District and Superior Court in NC
Ellen Hancox
Cumberland Country Trial Court Administrator

Estate Planning/Malpractice 
Williford McCauley
McCauley & Person, LLP

NC Traffic Law 
Robert E. Nunley
Nunley & Associates, PLLC